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We won the second prize during the grand finale of Open Software Challenge Nepal OSCN-2009. Some photos we captured during the event. EverestUncensored has an excellent coverage of OSCN-2009. Bibek's blog post provides coverage of this event from the perspective of a participant.
News for OSCN 2009 Grand Final event
August 8th, 2009 Open Software Challenge Nepal 2009 Grand Gala Event at Shanker Hotel, Lazimpat Hattisar, Kathmandu (August 8, 2009) – The 8 months long Open Software Challenge Nepal (OSCN)2009 is finally culminating on August 8, 2009 (Saturday) at Shanker Hotel, Lazimpat. OSCN 2009 was able to attract 83 projects out of which 12 have made it to the grand finale. OSCN, Open Software Challenge Nepal is hosted in the spirit of the open source movement and to promote a platform by rewarding the innovative software developers in Nepal. It is the first of its kind of a pioneering event conceptualized and hosted by with the joint organization of D2Hawkeye Services and Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk. OSCN has also been greatly supported by FOSS Nepal since Jan-05-2009. A total prize money of over 2 Lakhs is being awarded today, where the first winner of the event will receive a cash award of Rs. ONE LAKH from the Honorable Minister for Information and Communications, Mr. Shankar Pokharel. Similarly, Rs 50,000 and Rs 25,000 will be awarded to the second and third place winners accordingly while the first in the designer project will be receiving Rs 30,000 separately. The following is the list of top 12 projects which made it to the grand finale. Software Projects: * Academic Routine Scheduler * CI in Inflation Forecasting * Electronic Liver Diagnosis System * General Accounting Software * Java API for Grid Computing * LIVE Event Broadcast using peer to peer * Mobile Tracking * Real Time Face Tracking and Recognition * Sabdarth: Nepali Dictionary * SaralScrum: Project Management Tool Design Projects * iGallery * Wind Horse OSCN 2009 concluded in a grand style. The event was hosted by vibrant Shikshya Thapa Gautam. Our Chief Guest, Honorable Minister for Information and Communications, Mr. Shankar Pokharel, graced the event with his presence. During the ceremony, Mr. Rudra Pandey, COO Verisk Health Inc., USA, the chief guest and Mr. Shashidhar Ram Joshi, HOD – Electronics & Communication, IOE, gave their views on open source movement in Nepal and highlighted the points which could help Nepal move ahead in the field of open source. The iconic Hari Bansha Acharya and Madan Krishna Shrestha along with our chief guest and Rudra Pandey encouraged the winners by presenting them token and prize money. The winners from the ceremony are mentioned below: Final Winners: Open Source Software project: First Project: LIVE Event Broadcast using peer to peer * Sumit Shrestha Second Project: Real Time Face Tracking and Recognition * Abhishek Dutta * Anjan Nepal * Bibek Shrestha * Lakesh Kansakar Third Project: Java API for Grid Computing * Akash Deep Shakya * Manoj Shakya * Saurabh Manandhar Web Design Project: First Project: iGallery * Buddha Bir Lama For more detail information about OSCN please visit Program Coordinator: Shankar Sharma OSCN 2009